Juz'u 'Amma
Juz’u ‘Amma is the most commonly recited and memorized portion of the Qur’ān. These early revelations exposed the errors of idolaters and criticize blind adherence to a religion of unsanctioned customs. The verses refute the misconception that man is self-sufficient, independent of Allah and unaccountable to Him. And they convey basic principles of morality, ethics and righteous conduct taught by all prophets as an indispensable part of Allah's religion. Logical evidences support the universal truths expressed within these sūrahs.
Zakah and Sadaqah
The divinely ordained system of zakah is the right of Allah within His dominion. The word "zakah" means purification and growth. Its regular payment purifies the owner’s remaining wealth and purifies his heart from such ailments as greed and selfishness. The system of zakah ordained by Allah is the ideal way to meet the needs of poor without causing hardship to the rich. This booklet is an outline of basic Islamic rulings pertaining to obligatory zakah and voluntary charities. 20 pp.
I Am a Muslim Book 2
The aim of Islamic education must be not only to impart information but to develop the taqwā essential to keep a Muslim on the path of Allah throughout his life, to reform and amend our societies and to obtain the best of this world and the Hereafter. Information presented for beginners in Book One continues at an intermediate level in Book Two with addition of new material. As well as the usual subjects of Qur'ān, Ḥadith, ‘aqeedah, worship and history, additional attention has been given in this book to Islamic manners and ethics, which comprise an essential part of the Muslim's character, and in fact, his worship of Allah. Colored illustrations and questions included. 115 pp.